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├── A Byte of Python.pdf
├── A Primer on Scientfic Programming with Python, Third Edition .pdf
├── Beginning Python:Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1.pdf
├── Developing MeeGo apps with Python and QML(1).pdf
├── Django_中文教程.pdf
├── Effective Python.编写高质量Python代码的59个有效方法.Brett Slatkin.pdf
├── Foundations of Python 3 Network Programming, Second Edition.pdf
├── Head_First_Python(中文版).pdf
├── Learning From Data 2nd Ed (Wiley,2007).pdf
├── Learning Python, 5th Edition.pdf
├── Machine_Learning_in_Action.pdf
├── Multitreading.pdf
├── NLTK基础教程-用NLTK和Python库构建机器学习应用.pdf
├── Natural Language Processing with Python.pdf
├── NumPy_1_5_Beginner__039_s_Guide.pdf
├── OReilly Mining the Social Web 2nd Edition Oct.pdf
├── OReilly.-.Python for Data Analysis.pdf
├── OpenCV轻松入门:面向Python by 李立宗 (z-lib.org).pdf
├── Oreilly - Python Standard Library.pdf
├── Python 2.7 Tutorial 中文版.pdf
├── Python 3标准库.pdf
├── Python 3爬虫、数据清洗与可视化实战_233.pdf
├── Python For Data Analysis (2013).pdf
├── Python Linux系统管理与自动化运维.pdf
├── Python Web开发实战.pdf
├── Python for Data Librarian by Alan Ku (z-lib.org).pdf
├── Python 核心编程翻译版(第二版).pdf
├── Python 编程指南.pdf
├── Python3.5从零开始学(2017v3.x).pdf
├── Python3.6.5标准库文档(完整中文版)2089页.pdf
├── Python3程序开发指南(第二版).pdf
├── Python入门指南.pdf
├── Python即学即用.pdf
├── Python参考手册(第4版).pdf
├── Python学习手册(第4版).pdf
├── Python并行编程手册.pdf
├── Python库参考手册.pdf
├── Python技术参考大全.pdf
├── Python技术手册(第2版).pdf